The Higher Education Research and Development Society Australasia (HERDSA) New Zealand branch, who awarded the group, recognised their “exceptional quality of learning support care” for students in unprecedented uncertainty, especially for first-year students away from home for the first time.
The PASS programme also receives faculty support through the oversight and advice of Dr Tracy Rogers and Dr Rob Wass, from the Higher Education Development Centre at Otago University. Dr Rogers added that it was terrific to see the group’s “dedication and generosity” formally recognised after years of quiet achievement.
“Aside from providing critical academic skills development, the PASS facilitators provided valuable pastoral care and well-being support to their students during the COVID-19 lockdown. They accomplished this while also coping with their adjustment to online learning and the stresses of lockdown restrictions.
Dr Rogers added that the Pass team reacted quickly to the announcement of the Level Four Lockdown, and moved to see how they could support first-year students in such an unusual period of isolation and uncertainty.