3rd International Student Border Class Exception- Important Processes

Travel Ready Checklist

Before proceeding to apply for the border class exception, the candidate must self evaluate to fulfil the travel-ready checklist, which are,

  • Must meet all covid-19 prevention requirements, which includes a full course of the COVID-19 vaccines approved by a government or approval authority and received the last dose at least 14 days before arrival in New Zealand.
  • Must be 18 years of age or older at the time of nomination by an education provider.
  • Should be able to provide the evidence of the NZD $20,000 living expenditure (or) NZD $1,667 for each month of study if the programme of study is less than thirty-six weeks and the evidence that the applicant can pay for managed isolation and quarantine.
  • Can successfully book a MIQ space timed to the applicant’s visa and course start date
  • Must be able to reach NZ between March and July 2022 and complete any isolation requirements.
  • Agree to share the information by government agencies to help you arrive in New Zealand.
  • Be aware that there may be changes to Study Work Rights and Post Study Work Rights that may be implemented at the time of application for a visa.
  • Demonstrate English competency as per the NZQA requirements.

What you should do if you are travel ready?

Any student who wishes to study in New Zealand must reach the education provider first to communicate the interest. The provider will connect with the students and analyze the possibilities and further nominate the student to the government. Before getting a nomination confirmation from the provider’s side, students need not apply for a visa or MIQ.


As per the directive of the government, the universities will nominate a list of students to fill the respective openings. The students and the nominators must carefully consider the practicality of reaching the country by the first half of 2022 by examining the travel and entry procedures currently existing in NZ and in their home country An approved visa application does not guarantee a MIQ spot in a timely manner hence the student will need to apply for a MIQ.


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Meet Prajesh, a seasoned content creator who has been working with immigration businesses, educational institutions, and organizations across the globe for about a decade. With a wealth of experience in international immigration regulations, Prajesh has been dedicated to producing insightful blog posts and content, bringing individuals the latest insights into immigration matters.

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