5 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Applying for a New Zealand Student Visa

Obtaining a student visa is a crucial step for international students looking to study in New Zealand. Understanding the processing timelines is essential to plan your education journey effectively. In this article, SH will explore the key details regarding student visa processing times, provided by Immigration New Zealand (INZ).

The Average Processing Time

As of 7th October 2023, INZ reports an average processing time of six weeks (29 working days) for international student visa applications submitted from outside of New Zealand. This duration is calculated from the moment the student submits their application until the visa is either granted or declined.

Early Application is Key

While the average processing time stands at six weeks, INZ strongly advises students to apply for their visas approximately four months ahead of their intended travel date. This recommendation becomes particularly vital during the main student processing peak and summer when high numbers of visitor visas are processed. Late applications are not prioritized, and processing times are not influenced by travel bookings, so students should refrain from finalizing their travel plans until they have their visas granted.

Approval Rate

For offshore student visa applications received from 1st August 2022 to 7th October 2023, the approval rate is 84%. This statistic indicates a reasonably high likelihood of a successful visa application if all necessary requirements are met.

In-Study Work Rights:

INZ has made significant changes regarding in-study work rights for tertiary students. Until 9th October 2023, in-study work rights were determined by whether the qualification being pursued gained points under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC). However, after this date, only qualifications with Bachelor’s degree Level 7 or above are eligible for points. To accommodate students studying below a Bachelor’s degree level references to the SMC have been removed. Eligible qualifications, program levels, and types are now specified to broaden the eligibility criteria. Moreover, starting from 9th October, all students in full-time programs leading to a New Zealand qualification at Level 4 or higher on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF) are eligible for in-study work rights of 20 hours per week. However, training schemes and micro-credentials are still ineligible for in-study work rights.

Processing Times by Education Provider:

INZ categorizes processing times based on the type of education provider, including universities, Te Pūkenga, Private Training Establishments (PTEs), and schools. These processing times represent the combined time for the most common student visas used by international students, such as Fee Paying Student Visas, Pathway Student Visas, MFAT-funded NZ Scholarship Student Visas, and Exchange Student Visas.

Te Pūkenga: The average processing time is 37 weekdays, with 90% of applications completed within 59 weekdays.

PTEs: These have an average processing time of 25 weekdays, with 90% completed within 47 weekdays.

Universities: The average processing time is 22 weekdays, with 90% of applications completed within 47 weekdays.

Schools: The shortest processing time among all, schools have an average of 12 weekdays, with 90% of applications completed within 31 weekdays.

It’s important to note that processing times can vary depending on the complexity of the application. Each application is individually assessed to ensure it aligns with New Zealand’s immigration policies and regulations.

Navigating the student visa processing timelines in New Zealand is essential for international students. By applying early, understanding the specific processing times by education providers, and staying informed about the latest changes in in-study work rights, students can make informed decisions to ensure a smooth transition to their education in New Zealand.

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Meet Prajesh, a seasoned content creator who has been working with immigration businesses, educational institutions, and organizations across the globe for about a decade. With a wealth of experience in international immigration regulations, Prajesh has been dedicated to producing insightful blog posts and content, bringing individuals the latest insights into immigration matters.

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